digital divide disconnect

Disconnect. Unplug. Recharge. These words reflect the current societal trend of people making an extreme effort to get offline, go analog. How often do we hear about someone needing to go on vacation just to break away from their phone, their email, social media? I know I’m guilty of feeling a little ‘addicted’ to my phone, recognizing the need to cut back on screen time, and disconnect. But for many - about 1 in every 5 Americans - the idea of being ‘disconnected’ is something else altogether. It’s their daily reality, as they live without a home high speed internet connection. That means their household lacks sufficient access to education, employment opportunities, information, and even entertainment. In their cases, that disconnection is not a privilege, it’s a huge barrier. 

This disparity is known as the Digital Divide - a term which I hadn’t thought much about before joining Community Internet Solutions. I consider myself to be well-informed, and I had barely heard of this issue affecting 20% of the population. In speaking with friends and family, I realized how little known this issue is to people that are unaffected by it. We all know that not everyone has internet access, but I’ve always assumed that people who wanted it, could get it. I quickly learned that the Digital Divide affects people from all walks of life: all races, ages, and socioeconomic statuses. And I learned some small things that I can do to help bring the internet to those that need it. 

There are two main reasons why someone may not have home internet access. The first is that they simply cannot afford the outrageous home internet bill from the larger service providers. These bills are often upwards of $100/ month, have complicated and long term contracts, and service terms that are difficult to understand. These are all huge barriers to someone who doesn’t have the time or resources to devote to getting quotes, getting service, and then paying for that service. This is where the Affordable Connectivity Program, or ACP comes in. The ACP is a federally funded program that provides $30/ month in relief to qualifying households to help pay their internet bill. As a Community Internet Solutions employee, it’s part of my job to spread ACP awareness, but it’s also something that you can do as a citizen. Talk to your friends and neighbors about the Digital Divide and the ACP. The more conversations we have around the cost and accessibility of home internet, the smaller the divide becomes.

The second reason people often cite for not having home internet is because their building physically lacks access to high speed internet infrastructure. This usually happens in more rural areas, as larger Internet Service Providers have deemed the area unprofitable and simply won’t build infrastructure to serve a more sparsely populated area. This is where Community Internet Solutions can help - we’re working daily to build relationships with local and rural communities in our surrounding areas to bring the internet to those that are currently completely disconnected. You too can get involved in local organizations working to bring connectivity to all citizens. Some great resources include local libraries, community development groups, and Online For All.

By following and supporting our efforts, you can help spread awareness of the Digital Divide and the programs and organizations that work tirelessly to bridge the divide, and provide everyone equitable access to the internet. We are always looking for motivated individuals to volunteer with us, financial support via donations, and community members to share our message. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or contact us at for more information. Spread the word and help us bridge the Digital Divide!


speed Matters


online scams part iv